How to send a bulk transfer?

What is a bulk transfer?

A bulk transfer allows you to send up to 500 transfers in one go by importing a CSV or XML file containing the transfer orders. In practice, each transfer will be processed one after the other but the advantage is that you only have to follow one step.

This is useful, for example, if you want to pay your employees all at once. Most payroll software and accountants automatically provide the required files in the correct format. However, you can use this functionality for any purpose other than payroll.

How to send a bulk transfer?

  1. Click on the Transfers tab;
  2. On the Classic transfer tab, select the Bulk type;
  3. Choose the Execution date of your transfers (they will all be processed at the same time);
  4. Import the file containing your transfers in CSV or XML format (see templates below).

CSV file template

If you want to generate the file yourself, we advise you to use this format and not the XML format. You can create a CSV file containing your transfer orders via Excel, Google Sheet or any other software of your choice.

Here is the expected file template (containing fictitious data to be replaced by your own): Click here to download it

File template in XML format

Files generated by accounting tools are generally in XML format. Your XML file must respect the ISO 20022 standard (format pain.001.001.03).

Here is the expected file template (containing fictitious data to be replaced by your own): Click here to download it

Important information:

  • The name of each beneficiary is limited to 64 characters maximum;
  • The message accompanying each transfer is limited to 130 characters maximum;
  • The IBANs entered must be in the SEPA zone;
  • The amounts entered must always include 2 decimal places (e.g. 100.00 or 100.15);
  • Transfers are exclusively in Euros. No need to add the currency, just enter the amounts with 2 decimals;
  • Special characters (e.g. é, à, ê,¨,^, ç, @, etc.) will automatically be replaced by their equivalents or deleted if no equivalent exists;
  • In a CSV file, the separator to be used between each column is the semicolon.
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