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A payment or a withdrawal has been declined, why?

In the case where a transaction has been declined, please ensure that:

  • Your card has been activated.
  • Your card is not expired (the expiration date is embossed at the front of your card under the card number. For example, 06/19 for an expiration date at the end of June 2019).
  • You have not reached your payment or withdrawal limits (your limits are displayed in real-time within your online account).
  • Since no overdraft is allowed, the available balance of your account must be higher or at least the same than the amount of the payment or withdrawal to be made.

Warning: Some places, like automated gas stations, send us an authorisation request higher than the real amount of the transaction (for example from €90 to €130 for automated gas stations). Therefore, your payment will be declined if sufficient funds are not available to cover the amount of the authorisation. That is why we advise to always pay at the counter and not at the automated terminals.

Warning: If your payment has been refused before entering the PIN of your card, this probably means that you have entered 3 incorrect PIN prior and that your card has been locked. To unblock your card, please follow the procedure indicated on the following page: Card blocked, wrong PIN, what should I do?


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